Cubs Hut Camp

Well done to everyone who contributed to a great hut camp.
The cubs were not phased by the wet weather, if anything it seemed to contribute to the ‘mud factor’ enjoyed by all. The brick tour seems to have fired (s’cuse the pun) their imagination for the local architecture and a spot of “Time Team” excavation. The tracking turned up some great fox teeth for the museum and we have all learnt some useful skills…. The tracking sign for water ahead and gone home springs to mind! Jemima’s quarter mastering was spot on and kept morale and tummies full when we needed it most. ( as well as saving my back J)
And of course the support from the enthusiastic volunteer cub parents - Mike, Tristan, Jim, Craig, Gary – the hands on help ensures that we can run these wonderful events. – The BBQ in the rain, the chaperoning, cooking, washing, front row seats in the comedy club, counting heads, finding boots, midnight feast managing, hoovering, cleaning and lots of laughter!
And finally, well done Chris for giving us the confidence to get the cubs to participate in some exhilarating events. I don’t think any of the cubs or parents will forget the evening wood hike and clay sliding – the cubs were still talking about it this morning and they now want to take you up on your offer of it becoming an official cub badge.