The 1st Radnage Scout Group
Annual Information Check List

We are required to keep an up to date record of all children within the Scout Group. The information asked for will be treated as strictly confidential and only be used on a need to know basis.

Childs Name:
Home address:
Post Code:
Date of Birth (
Scout Section ( please tick as appropriate)

Home Telephone:
Mobile Contact Number(s):
Emergency Contact Number:
Email Address:
Verify your Email Address:
Parents' or Guardians' Names:
Allergies: ( however slight, it could be important)
Have you completed a C.R.B form issued through the Scout Association?. If not then please speak to the GSL. Officially no-one is allowed on Scout property without clearance. (This includes all camps and activities: even bringing and collecting children from Group HQ after weekly meetings).
Do you give permission for your child's photograph to be shown in a Scouting external Publications, Radnage scout website or on the internal walls of the Groups Headquarters:
Are you happy to receive most information by email?
Data Protection: This information will be held on the 1st Radnage Scout Group database for the Group's use and will only be used for scouting purposes.?The Group will not pass on e-mail addresses or contact details to other parties outside of Scouting and e-mail addresses will only be used to provide information about Scouting events.
Are you happy for your telephone or email details to be passed on to other parents within the Group as and when necessary for scouting purposes only.
Date of application: 22 December 2024
(Submitted from web site)